Our Story

It all began with Joseph Pelissa's migration from Liguria, Italy, in 1902. Hailing from a family of skilled farmers, Joseph brought the rich agricultural traditions of his heritage to California, seeking new opportunities…

In the tapestry of our family history, Joseph Pelissa, laid the foundation by settling in Calistoga, Napa Valley, in 1902. With 35 acres acquired for a mere $10 gold coin in 1903, Joseph's lineage thrived in agriculture, navigating the challenges of Prohibition and evolving into a pioneering force in grape cultivation. His son, Andrew (Andy) Pelissa, continued the legacy, carving pathways in grape irrigation, founding the Golden State Trucking Company, and championing Napa Valley's agricultural preservation.

In 1930, Andy married Veola "Babe" Hale and established a dairy, evolving into the Golden State Trucking Company. He owned sheep, cultivated oats, and acquired Napa Valley land, including the historic George Yount Ranch. Andrew Del Bondio, aka “Del B”, a dedicated and industrious individual, joined the company during his high school years, showcasing an early commitment to hard work and diligence. Departing briefly to serve in World War II, he returned home in 1945, eager to resume his contributions to the family business. Known for his exceptional craftsmanship, Del B constructed all the corrals for the dairy business, displaying his prowess not only in building but also in welding. Additionally, he skillfully managed the fields, demonstrating a multifaceted skill set essential to the company's success.Andy later planted wine grapes, contributing to local wineries. As a civic-minded Napa County Planning Commissioner for fourteen years, he played a crucial role in creating the Agriculture Preserve Zone in 1968, preserving the valley from urbanization. Despite his busy business endeavors, Andy prioritized family, raising two daughters, Marilyn and Dawne, with Babe. The family continued to gather in Napa Valley, with Dawne's son, Andrew Hoxsey, closely following in his grandfather's footsteps.

Amidst family sanctuaries and strategic land acquisitions, Andy's era unfolded as a testament to the symbiosis of family and commerce. The story continued with Andrew Hoxsey, embodying the legacy through summers in Napa Valley, U.C. Davis education, and military service. Returning in 1984, he collaborated with his grandfather until 1991, steering the family's 530 planted acres with the assistance and dedication of Jim Del Bondio, son of Del B. Jim followed in his father's footsteps, seamlessly assuming the role of vineyard manager, and continues to steward the vineyards with the same dedication and expertise as his father before him. Andrew's journey converged with the tale of Napa Wine Company, encapsulating the family's enduring impact on Napa Valley's viticultural heritage.

Andrew Hoxsey, a fourth-generation grower and co-owner of Yount Mill Vineyards and Napa Wine Co. in California, earned the title of Grower of the Year from the California Association of Winegrape Growers for his pivotal role in the sustainable and organic winegrape movement. Notable contributions include shaping the California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance (CSWA), launching Napa Valley's first custom-crush operation, and guiding Yount Mill Vineyards towards organic certification. His enduring commitment spans three decades, emphasizing economic viability, social justice, and environmental sensitivity. Despite reduced industry association involvement, Hoxsey actively mentors the fifth generation, ensuring a sustained legacy of sustainable and organic practices in the winegrape industry.

Currently, the dynamic fifth generation, Kendall Hoxsey-Onysko and Morgaen Hoxsey-Pickett, are at the forefront of the esteemed family legacy of Napa Valley. Kendall holds the position of President at Yount Mill Vineyards, while deeply engaged in winery operations at Napa Wine Company. Simultaneously, Morgaen serves as the Director of Sales and Marketing for Ghost Block Wines, the family's distinguished series of labels. These visionary leaders embody a profound commitment to quality, innovation, and the preservation of familial traditions, ensuring that the Hoxsey family continues to thrive in the world of winemaking and growing.

As Kendall and Morgaen guide the family lineage into the future, they are simultaneously laying the groundwork for the sixth generation, including Andrew Pickett, Elizabeth Onysko, and Jack Onysko, alongside their husbands Jeff Onysko and Jake Pickett, who are accomplished winemakers in Napa Valley. Jeff Onysko, serving as the winemaker for the family's Elizabeth Rose label, coined after Kendall's middle name, continues the tradition of crafting distinctive wines that hold personal significance. This collaborative effort ensures that the family history not only endures but evolves, setting the stage for a future generation to contribute to the ongoing narrative of the family's winemaking heritage.